Piste d’entrée/sortie

Découvrez les stations et barrières d'entrée/sortie innovantes de JUPITER : de nouvelles fonctionnalités plus flexibles pour intégrer l'innovation.

It appears you are looking for Datapark systems and accessories. We inform you that the entire product range has been phased out since July 31th, 2021.

Here are the good news about backward compatibility and spare parts availability:   

  • Using Jupiter, you will be able to extend and upgrade a Datapark site
  • Datapark spare parts will be suppliable, in order to support existing sites.
  • We shall address any potential unavailability of components, that generates from obsolescence or end of life from suppliers: we will be granting a replacement part that guarantees the same function

Datapark systems have opened the way to our newest product range Jupiter.

For specific requests on spare parts, kindly address your enquiry to [email protected]