In this eBook we collected a set of essential recommendations to transform the car park of a tourism site into a strategic asset, thus granting a secure and profitable management.

cover of HUB ebook about tourismBased on our extensive experience with marinas, museums, and seasonal car parks, we know that owners and operators cannot miss the appointment with efficiency and a great experience for end users: future success depends on a clever combination of these factors.

We observed that Parking assets at Tourism sites are strongly influenced by cyclical flows of people, mostly transient first-time visitors who look for an intuitive transit.  

For the owners, the path towards a healthy and efficient car park organization starts with getting complete control of the high volume of traffic, and a system flexible enough to deal with the seasonality of the site.

In this eBook we will be covering how to:

  • improve spaces utilization
  • achieve efficient management
  • pacify every stakeholder
  • grant a hassle-free parking experience to tourists
  • customize value-added solutions 


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